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The workgroups tab, accessible under The Practice (or the Company tab, for subsidiary companies), is where departments and workgroups are defined and managed within ContactsLaw. It also provides a mechanism to manage the reusable roles, date types and fields that can be shared between various features in the system.
The management features are broken down into the following views:
  • Workgroups - Provides a platform for managing the hierarchy of departments and workgroups, as well as their availability within subsidiary companies. For each workgroup, the policies, roles and fields for files can be configured.
  • Products - Manages the products associated with the workgroup.
  • Overheads - Reports sales and overheads for each department/workgroup in the practice.
  • Permissions - Sets the permissions for groups and members.
  • Problems - Reports on data integrity issues within the workgroup; e.g. files that do not comply with the workgroup's policies.
  • Roles - Lists all reusable roles in the system, displaying problematic roles (such as duplicates). Roles are grouped according to where they occur; universal, workgroup or file scope. Roles can be merged, reclassified or removed from the system.
  • Date types - Lists all reusable date types in the system, displaying problems and usage information.
  • Fields - Lists all reusable fields in the system, with the ability to change the properties of existing fields or add new fields.